Birth Services
I offer a range of courses and services to prepare and support you through your pregnancy, birth and beyond. They can be taken individually, or in combination to gain even greater benefit.
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Pregnancy exercise & relaxation classes for a more comfortable pregnancy and easier birth.
Give yourself the best chance of achieving the birth you want by following Balancing Birth's unique courses designed to prepare your body for birth through balance, gravity, movement and relaxation.
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Relax with some 'you' time before baby's arrival.
Babies generally come when they're ready, but Mamas sometimes get impatient. This is for you if you want to unwind, relax, and support your physiology for labour to start when your body and baby are ready.
This package includes aromatherapy, acupressure and body balancing that may help ease things along.
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Do you want to go into your birth feeling prepared, confident and excited, rather than fearful, anxious, and feeling like you have no control over your birth?
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Balancing Birth offers support for mothers carrying a breech baby.
We can work together using a unique package of techniques to encourage your baby to turn head down ready for birth, using a combination of moxibustion, body balancing, and hypnobirthing.
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Aromatherapy oils don't just smell great, they are powerful plant medicine too.
Balancing Birth's Aromatherapy workshop guides you through the benefits and safety aspects of using essential oils, so you can treat yourself with aromatherapy for pregnancy and birth.
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People often forget to think too much about, or prepare for what happens after the main event of baby's arrival, but it deserves as much special attention.
I can offer you professional and individualised nurturing support during this time, including support with infant feeding.

3-Step Rewind is a simple yet powerful process.
It can help you process difficult memories from a past birth experience, to leave you with a sense of release and lightness, allowing you to move forward from that experience.
This can help with any difficult experience whether related to fertility, pregnancy, birth or postnantal. This is also available to birth partners.